Friday, April 11, 2008

Afternoon Links: Made in America

I found an article earlier this week on MSN that is right up my alley. It talks about ten different factory tours you can go on here in the United States to see how things are made.

Made in America

I have been on a couple factory/manufacturing tours and find them to be really interesting. Most recently I went on a tour of the Coors brewery in Golden, Colorado (near Denver). Besides getting a chance to learn about the entire brewing process, it was also a free tour and at the end you get to sit in a lounge and enjoy three free beers! Golden is also a cute little town with boutique-y shops and such. We didn't have a chance to see other parts of the town so I'd really like to go back and spend a day there. Most local breweries give tours of their facility. I know our local brewery does and I would really like to go sometime.

The two places that stuck out to me in the article were the Jack Daniels Distillery and the Jelly Belly factory. I have some friends who have been to the Jack Daniels Distillery before and they said it was really interesting and fun. The Jelly Belly factory just sounds neat and since I have a major sweet tooth I'm sure I would love it (maybe they give you free candy...).

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