Saturday, August 30, 2008

I'm Choppin' Broccoli....

Friday's harvest (08/29/08):

That large dark green round blob on the left is a 24.5 pound watermelon! That's 9 pounds bigger than the previous record holder. I haven't cut into it yet so hopefully it is ripe. I can't imagine that it wouldn't be. It's been sitting in the garden for quite a while.

Now the green thing in the back on the right is the first head of BROCCOLI! I'm so excited that I actually got a head of broccoli out of the garden. I ate half of it with dinner last night.


One year ago today:
Pizza Dough - the best pizza dough ever (also makes calzones)
Pizza Sauce - sauce to go with the above dough recipe (extremely easy to make)

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