Wednesday, September 3, 2008

CSA: Week 16

Kind of a disappointing share this week. I received:

3 tomatoes (one with a bad spot)
2 green tomatoes (as in unripe tomatoes for making fried green tomatoes)
1 teensy banana pepper about the size of my thumb
1 half green, half red bell pepper (already wrinkled in places)
2-3 handfuls of yellow salad tomatoes

Oh well. It is what it is. Luckily I have more than enough yield from my own garden.

Last week I said it wouldn't be too much longer until it started to feel like fall outside. Well today is the day. The remanants of Hurricane Gustav are soaking the midwest with rain. Luckily we are on the edge of the remanants so no flooding yet, however we have had an almost constant drizzle for the past 24 hours, accompanied by temperatures in the low 60s to upper 50s. The garden got 8/10 of an inch of rain yesterday and then another 4/10 today. And it is supposed to rain all day tomorrow too! I probably won't have to water the garden for a week. Which means I won't have to wrestle the 300 feet of hose and that makes me happy. I'll gladly take the rain.

Previous CSA posts:
CSA: Week 15
CSA: Week 14
CSA: Week 13
CSA: Week 12
CSA: Week 11
CSA: Week 10
CSA: Week 9
CSA: Week 8
CSA: Week 7
CSA: Week 6
CSA: Week 5
CSA: Week 4
CSA: Week 3
CSA: Week 2
CSA: Week 1

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