Tuesday, October 14, 2008

CSA: Week 22

I got an awesome CSA share tonight! I drove out to the pick up location, got out of my car with my little bag and walked over to the CSA guy. He took one look at me and my bag and said "Uh it's not going to fit in that bag. You're gettin' a box!"

And a box I got and put in my trunk and drove home. This is what was in there:

Lettuce - a lot
Spinach - a lot
1 spaghetti squash
1 red bell pepper
2 cucumbers
1 zucchini
4 small turnips with greens
4 radishes
3 tomatoes
Sack of green beans

So much! The box was full. I really wanted to take a picture to post but I could not find my camera anywhere. And I've also been having computer issues which is why I haven't posted anything in awhile. See I usually use my work computer for blogging but a few weeks ago I had to download a new program. Ever since then I can't get on the Internet unless I'm connected to my company's network and unfortunately my company blocks Blogger. Arg!

I don't have a personal computer but my husband does have a Mac lappy (laptop). I'm a PC girl so I'm not up on all the Mac stuff. I get frustrated sometimes especially how the Mac doesn't have a right click! I need my right click.

I also don't know how to deal with pictures on the Mac so my next few posts may be without pictures sadly.

I'll try to catch up on the last two CSA weeks soon.


Em said...

Oooo ... I totally need my right click too!!

Anonymous said...

Love the Mac... and it does have right click. Plug in a two button mouse, or two finger tap on track pad is right click (check settings to see if enabled), or just press control when you left click and that is a right click.

Great news on the veggies, we are growing our own in garden and has been the most fulfilling experience. Massive cabbages and broccoli all from little seeds. Tall tomato plants, rows of carrots, radishes and parsnips. Celery, capsicum, spring onions and rocket.
Best thing is that we do not waste veggies as you would from supermarket. Just pick just before you need it. Also have continuous picking lettuce rather than iceberg heads.