Monday, June 9, 2008

CSA: Week 3

Wow I am behind on my posts. Last Tuesday I picked up my third CSA share and got the following:

Mustard Greens
Lettuce Mix
Green Onions
Turnip Greens
A dozen eggs

No radishes this week and the lettuce and spinach was a lot less than in Week 2. And the eggs looked like Easter eggs! All different colors - white, brown and greenish-blue. I took a picture of them but haven't had a chance to upload yet.

Unfortunately I haven't had any time to eat any of my third share and I'm already picking up a new share tomorrow! Last week was kind of hectic for me. Work was busy plus a good friend of mine got married over the weekend. The wedding weekend was very fun but it was capped off by a not-so fun event last night. A huge storm swept through our area and took down some HUGE branches out of four of our trees. And one of those branches happened to come down on the power line and on part of the house. Of course the part of the power line that was torn down was a part that the electric company does not fix so we had to call an electrician out to the house to repair the power line to the tune of $500! Thank goodness for a coupon in the yellow pages or else it would've been closer to $600. The power was off all last night and most of the day today. NOT FUN. Now we have to figure out how to get the rest of the tree off the house.

The damage could've been A LOT worse though so we are very lucky. There doesn't seem to be major damage to the roof or the siding or the gutters. We'll see in the next couple of days once the tree is removed! I took a ton of pictures so I will try to post some soon.

I also need to put up some new pictures of the garden. Everything is growing like crazy! I've picked a few strawberries (the first harvest!). We've also planted eggplant and mint seedlings purchased from a nursery. Then we direct seeded broccoli yesterday before the storm came. Hopefully this time the broccoli will do better as opposed to the seeds I started indoors which all ended up dying. Unless the storm washed all the seeds away which is entirely possible. We'll just see what happens!

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