Wednesday, June 18, 2008

CSA: Week 5

This week in my CSA share I received:

Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens
Green onion

I was supposed to get eggs this week but Karin said the hens were on strike and she'd have to make up my dozen next week. That was fine by me because I still have quite a few eggs leftover from last time. I was hoping for peas again because I really enjoyed them last week but we didn't receive any this time.

The shares have been pretty light lately and I'm getting a little tired of so many greens. Karin said that soon we'll be getting some other vegetables which will be nice.

I also hit up the midweek farmers' market tonight and luckily someone had peas! I bought a bunch of peas, a zucchini and a bunch of potatoes for $5.50. I was pretty excited about that.

I plan to use half the zucchini as a test batch for freezing. I assume you can freeze zucchini like you can freeze anything else. I'm hoping that's the case because with my monster zucchini plants I think I'm going to end up with a large quantity of zucchini. I've never frozen zucchini before so if anyone has any tips please send them my way.

Previous CSA shares:

CSA Week 4
CSA Week 3
CSA Week 2
CSA Week 1

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