Wednesday, June 11, 2008

CSA: Week 4 & the First "Harvest"

This week there are two new items in my CSA share:

Mustard Greens
Turnip Greens

In case you didn't know this is what a turnip looks like:

I've never had turnips before so I'm excited to try them out. I found what sounds like a good recipe for them and I plan on making it tomorrow night if I have time. I was going to make it tonight but I was outside too long cleaning up the storm debris.

On Sunday before the storm I picked my first strawberries!

These kind of don't count as a harvest because there were green berries already on the strawberry plants when I bought them. There were only six of them but one was pretty good sized. I ate them on a spinach salad with feta, walnuts and balsalmic viniagrette. They were fantastic!! I think strawberries are my most favorite fruit. I hope the plants produce more and more and more of them.

CSA Week 3

CSA Week 2

CSA Week 1

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