Monday, August 11, 2008

Bridal Shower 2

Bridal shower round two. Actually this is round four for 2008, but only the second round of bridal shower cupcake pictures I am posting. The first bridal shower of the year was for SIL2 (I'm going to number them according to age from now on) who got married in Vegas in February. That was such a fun trip. I did make cupcakes for that shower but did not take any pictures.

Bridal shower number two was in April for my good friend Kelly. I was not the hostess so I did not make any cupcakes for that one. Bridal shower number three was for my BFF Beth in St. Louis and was hosted by all the bridesmaids, including me. I did make some very pretty cupcakes for that shower which was really fun.

Now SIL3 is getting married in less than a month and MIL, SIL2 and I hosted a bridal shower for her this past weekend. I made cupcakes of course as I am pretty much expected to do these days. I made the standard white and chocolate cupcakes. I thought about making something different or more fancy but I just couldn't get it together in time.

SIL3 is doing orange, brown and a tealy-bluey color for her wedding. She bought some orange sprinkles to use on the cupcakes for the shower. At first I wasn't too sure about them. They seemed really bright. However after I got them all set up with some orange roses on the brown stand, I thought they turned out pretty nice.

The wedding is going to be really pretty and also pretty fun too! I'm looking forward to it.

1 comment:

SnodsAbroad said...

WOW! Amy, you have become such a homemaker! I'm impressed! Seeing all the pictures of delicious American food is making me homesick!