Tuesday, August 19, 2008

CSA: Week 14

In week 14 I received:

8 ears of corn (sheesh!)
6 tomatoes
1 butternut squash
2 green onions
3 ears dried strawberry corn

I was really surprised that I received so many ears of corn. They said it was the last of the corn though so I'll have to make sure to enjoy it. I was really excited to get a butternut squash. I love winter squash.

So what's strawberry corn you ask? Well it's a teeny tiny ear of red corn. It basically looks like a strawberry. It still has the husk attached and has been dried out. The guy from NV Ranch (the farm that provides my CSA) said that I should leave the ears on the counter for another week to finish drying out. Then I can put them in a paper bag and microwave it and it will POP OFF THE COB. So it's popcorn!!! How fun. I haven't tried it yet but I probably will in the next day or two. I'll be sure to take some pictures and post them on here.

Previous CSA posts:
CSA: Week 13
CSA: Week 12
CSA: Week 11
CSA: Week 10
CSA: Week 9
CSA: Week 8
CSA: Week 7
CSA: Week 6
CSA: Week 5
CSA: Week 4
CSA: Week 3
CSA: Week 2
CSA: Week 1

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