Wednesday, August 27, 2008

CSA: Week 15

Wow 15 weeks of my CSA program are already over. I can't believe how fast the summer has flown by. Not too much longer until it starts to feel like fall outside. That will be nice.

This week in my CSA I received:

1 cucumber
2 banana peppers
1 jalapeno pepper
1 green bell pepper
3 small-ish big tomatoes
a handful of yellow and red cherry tomatoes
a jar of pickles
a dozen eggs

A jar of pickles! Now that's kind of fun. I haven't tried them yet. Hopefully they are delicious. I took a picture of the share items this week but I'm currently using a computer I'm not too familiar with so I'll have to post the picture later.

Update: here's the picture:

I think the CSA people are frustrated with their crops this year. They have mentioned several times that they have had trouble getting veggies to grow. I know they tried eggplant twice and it all died. They also mentioned that their broccoli plants grew beautifully but never produced any broccoli. Honestly though I haven't felt jipped or cheated at all. That's what a CSA is all about. You get a part of what the farm grows. And this is their first year growing on a larger scale. There's bound to be some trial and error. Hang in there guys!

Previous CSA posts:
CSA: Week 14
CSA: Week 13
CSA: Week 12
CSA: Week 11
CSA: Week 10
CSA: Week 9
CSA: Week 8
CSA: Week 7
CSA: Week 6
CSA: Week 5
CSA: Week 4
CSA: Week 3
CSA: Week 2
CSA: Week 1

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